Facility Investment Vision and Strategy for Irish Football

Football is the number one participation sport in Ireland, offering a unique force for good and a positive impact on Irish society at all levels. As the sport thrives, both public and private funding is needed to transform Irish football’s facilities and infrastructure so we can inspire current and future generations.

Our vision is to create infrastructure that enables Ireland’s number one participation sport to thrive and grow.


Registered Football Players


Registered Volunteers


Total Current Impact of Participation

  • 220k+

    Registered Football Players

  • 45k+

    Registered Volunteers

  • 1.8bn

    Total Current Impact of Participation

and Facilities

Football has been under invested in for the last 25 years and we have fallen behind our European counterparts in facilities investment

Delivering Transformational Impact

We need to take decisive action and create a modern and fit-for-purpose football infrastructure and industry and in doing so transform football in Ireland. Football is ready to lead the way in multi-club, multi-sport, community-focused facility planning

Rooted in our Strategic Vision

Our vision to inspire current and future generations will suffer if we do not invest in facilities now, as we will not be able to cater for this ongoing demand and growth particularly for women and girls and generally around the LOI

Public and Private Funding

We have identified our investment needs and timeframes to deliver on our objectives which include funding from a range of stakeholders including Government, UEFA/FIFA, local project partners and of course the FAI and its clubs/affiliates

  • Infrastructure 
and Facilities

    Football has been under invested in for the last 25 years and we have fallen behind our European counterparts in facilities investment

  • Delivering Transformational Impact

    We need to take decisive action and create a modern and fit-for-purpose football infrastructure and industry and in doing so transform football in Ireland. Football is ready to lead the way in multi-club, multi-sport, community-focused facility planning

  • Rooted in our Strategic Vision

    Our vision to inspire current and future generations will suffer if we do not invest in facilities now, as we will not be able to cater for this ongoing demand and growth particularly for women and girls and generally around the LOI

  • Public and Private Funding

    We have identified our investment needs and timeframes to deliver on our objectives which include funding from a range of stakeholders including Government, UEFA/FIFA, local project partners and of course the FAI and its clubs/affiliates

The FAI will work with public and private stakeholders

to facilitate our ambitious plan to stimulate investment into a growing Irish football community. It is our plan to support this funding strategy by the establishment of a new and independent Ireland Football Facility Fund, ensuring a consistent, professional, and dedicated focus on facilities.


Total Investment


Year, 3 Phase Timetable




Investment in Grassroots


Investment in League of Ireland


Investment in International
  • 863m

    Total Investment
  • 15

    Year, 3 Phase Timetable
  • 2500

  • 426m

    Investment in Grassroots
  • 390m

    Investment in League of Ireland
  • 47m

    Investment in International


We have a thriving grassroots football community in Ireland, but facilities remain sub-optimal in many cases and will not be able to cope with demand including adequate facilities for the growing number of women and girls.

Our facilities survey was completed by 87% of our grassroots clubs and highlighted the need for new and improved facilities to cater for the growing numbers who want to play and be part of football

The current FAI National Training Centre is nowhere near the same standard of facilities at comparative European Associations.

Many Grassroots clubs do not have any form of community-focused clubhouse

Only 10% of clubs have access to an indoor hall/space

55% of clubs do not own their facilities and rely on leases

27% of clubs have leases for less than one-year meaning financial uncertainty and instability

31% of clubs are required to operate out of secondary facilities in order to meet the required pitch demand for training and matches

Most grassroots clubs struggle with demand from women and girls with 38% of clubs not having female-friendly toilets at all

The League of Ireland

Our League of Ireland is thriving with sold-out stadia and an increasingly strong on-field product, but the state of our facility infrastructure is clearly holding the League back.

Investment will drive the growth and quality of the LOI product

So supporting an increase in overall attendances, attracting new fans to the game, new media partners, increasing revenues, improving talent development and enabling the creation of a real industry around football in Ireland.


An Academy / Training hub for every LOI club


A transformed in-stadium fan experience


A transformed broadcast product


Fit-for-purpose stands & amenities


Fit-for-purpose structures and amenities
  • 1

    An Academy / Training hub for every LOI club
  • 2

    A transformed in-stadium fan experience
  • 3

    A transformed broadcast product
  • 4

    Fit-for-purpose stands & amenities
  • 5

    Fit-for-purpose structures and amenities


Our vision is to produce competitive teams at all levels that can qualify for tournaments on a regular basis, but the FAI does not have a modern, fit-for-purpose National Football Centre facility, nor the venues to cope with UEFA club matches or tournaments.

A key strategic objective of the FAI is to produce competitive international teams at all levels

across both genders, but the current FAI National Training Centre is nowhere near the same standard of facilities at comparative European Associations

What we need

Our own National Football Centre building on Campus

3x FIFA Quality 4G pitches, one with a covered dome

3 x FIFA Quality grass pitches

Changing, coaching, analysis and education facilities

Security infrastructure

Medical, sports science and kit equipment facilities

A secure environment

How We’ll Make this Vision a Reality

Our vision provides a platform for central and local government along with private investment and the support of the FAI and the wider football community to move forward in achieving a transformed facilities infrastructure and societally ‘a better quality of life’. Adapting a community-led approach with all stakeholders will deliver transformational change on a local, regional and national scale.

Our ask is ambitious, but in context it is achievable and we will work with all stakeholders to review and access all potential revenue streams. Transformation on this scale cannot be achieved by relying on traditional investment and funding sources alone.

It requires a fresh approach – coordinating the football family,
outlining our vision for the future of the game and encouraging strategic investment. We believe the best way to do this is with the establishment of an independent facility, ensuring a dedicated focus on facilities transformation and offering a separate and trusted governance model, financially independent from the FAI.

€11.5m per annum average
Funding Vehicle
  • Central FAI Investment, including:
    • Direct FAI investment resources
    • UEFA Hat Trick support
    • FIFA Forward support
  • Club Investment
  • Private Investment (via the Ireland Football Facility Fund)
Local Project Partners
€11.5m per annum average
Funding Vehicle
  • Local Authorities (matched funding)
  • Educational Bodies / Institutions
  • Local Health Authorities
€34.5m per annum average
Funding Vehicle
  • SCEP (ongoing)
  • LSSIF (ongoing)
  • Immigrant Investor Programme (closing)
  • Shared Island Fund (new)
  • Share of Betting Levy (new)
  • Brexit Adjustment Reserve (new)
  • Other options (new)

This is an ambitious plan

The size of the challenge requires ambition but also needs to be in touch with reality

A Facilities Transformation programme on this scale is a significant undertaking and from a standing start means we will need time to build capacity

We have therefore phased our plan over three blocks of five years – averaging nearly 170 projects a year

Given the scale of planning already underway across the LOI (e.g. €96m currently under consideration for IIP) we believe the early push in Phase 1 is realistic

Phase 1 represents our peak in recognition that this is a challenge for today. If we backload the investment, another generation of players will lack the facilities they deserve

Phased Investment of 15 Years | €863 M

Our vision for Irish football will become
a reality with funding and investment